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Confusing traffic flow at intersection

Reported in the Road Signs category anonymously at 08:35, Sat 6 September 2014

Sent to Parramatta City Council 1 year, 3 weeks, 3 days, 19 hours, 13 minutes later

It is unclear at the Ferndell st traffic lights whether the two lanes of traffic can turn right onto Clyde st. Typically the left lane turns left onto Rawson rd and right lane turns left to Clyde st., which is the safest flow of traffic. However as there are no road signs or arrow markings on road, there are cases of cars turning right onto Clyde st from the left hand lane, who then immediately want to turn right on Wellington. This catches drivers unawares, cuts across traffic and causes merging issues. I have seen and experienced multiple near miss accidents here, as the drivers in right lane do not except someone to be undertaking from the left and then have them immediately turn right. If there were clear arrows marking the direction of turning on ferndell st, this problem would be solved. With left hand traffic only allowed left, and right lane traffic only allowed right.

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