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Shared zone sign and 10 kmh sign needed

Reported in the Road Signs category by Kaiser Khan at 09:48, Tue 30 December 2014

Sent to Parramatta City Council 8 months, 3 weeks, 18 hours, 2 minutes later

Dear Representative, I have been living on this street for over a year. Whenever we have to walk through the area, I have to be on the road as there is no foot path on one side. The other side is a slope and hard to maniuvre my baby pram/stroller. Most of the time during peak hour cars enter the road at high speed because there is no sign that it is a shared zone. Neither does it have any sign to reduce the speed.

Because of the trees as well its very low visibility when my wife walks with pram.

Kindly provide solution to this problem. I suspect someday some car will hit someone on that road. Especially people will pram. They can't take the stroller down the stairs if they are by themselves.

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